Toh Yah Li
- top 40 under 40 lighting designers by Lighting Design Awards 2019
- shortlisted as Designer of the Year, for the Singapore President's Design Awards 2018 and 2020
- Skillsfuture Fellowship Award 2019
- top 40 under 40 lighting designers by Lighting Design Awards 2019
- shortlisted as Designer of the Year, for the Singapore President's Design Awards 2018 and 2020
- Skillsfuture Fellowship Award 2019
Yah Li Toh is the Principal of Light Collab and a professional member of International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD).
She graduated from architectural school of National University of Singapore and pursued Masters in Architectural Lighting design in Hochschule Wismar, Germany. She also interned in Stockholm and Athens prior to joining the Singapore office of Lighting Planners Associates.
Yah Li is also one of the first 5 in the world to be recognized with Certified Lighting Designer (CLD) Certification. She was shortlisted as Designer of the Year, for the Singapore President's Design Awards 2018 and 2020, and the only one to receive commendation from the Jurors in 2018 and also named as the top 40 under 40 lighting designers by Lighting Design Awards 2019. She is also a Generation T Honouree for List 2019, one of the 20 future-shapers honoree by the Peak magazine in 2019. She also serves as the regional coordinator for IALD SEA and CLD board. She also served as a judge for the 36th IALD Lighting Awards 2019 and is a current co-chair of the IALD International Lighting Design Awards and part of the jury for the LIT Awards.
She also speaks about lighting, is an educator and engages in facilitating workshops for design and lighting at tertiary institutions. She was also a mentor for Silhouette Awards 2023.
Yah Li Toh は Light Collab の責任者であり、国際照明デザイナー協会(IALD)の専門会員でもあります。
彼女はシンガポール国立大学の建築学校を卒業し、ドイツのホックシューレ・ヴィスマールで建築照明デザインの修士号を取得しました。シンガポールの照明プランナーズアソシエイツのオフィスに入社する前に、ストックホルムとアテネでインターンシップも経験しました。Yah Li はまた、世界で最初の5人の認定照明デザイナー(CLD)として認識されました。彼女はシンガポール大統領デザイン賞2018年と2020年の年間デザイナーに選ばれ、2018年に審査員からの推薦を受けた唯一の人物であり、また、2019年の照明デザイン賞で40歳未満のトップ40の照明デザイナーにも選ばれました。彼女はまた、2019年の「List」でのGeneration T Honoureeであり、2019年の「The Peak」誌での20人の将来を切り開くリーダーの1人でもあり。彼女はIALD SEAの地域コーディネーターおよびCLD委員会のメンバーも務めています。また、彼女は2019年の第36回IALDライティングアワードの審査員も務め、現在はIALD国際ライティングデザインアワードの共同議長およびLITアワードの審査員の一部です。彼女はまた、照明について講演し、教育者として活動し、大学などの三次教育機関でデザインと照明のワークショップを主催しています。また、彼女は2023年のSilhouette Awardsのメンターでもありました。
杜雅丽是Light Collab的创办人,也是国际照明设计师协会(IALD)的专业会员。
她毕业于新加坡国立大学建筑学院,并在德国威斯马尔高等学校攻读了建筑照明设计硕士学位。在加入照明规划师联合会新加坡办事处之前,她还曾在斯德哥尔摩和雅典实习过。Yah Li也是全球首批获得认证照明设计师(CLD)认证的五位之一。她曾入围新加坡总统设计奖2018年和2020年的年度设计师,并且是2018年唯一一位受到评委会嘉奖的设计师,并且被评为2019年灯光设计奖的前40位40岁以下灯光设计师之一。她还是2019年"新加坡下一代"荣誉获得者之一,2019年由《The Peak》杂志评选的20位未来领袖之一。 她还担任IALD东南亚地区协调员和CLD委员会成员。她还担任了2019年第36届IALD灯光奖评委,并担任了IALD国际灯光设计奖的联合主席,并是LIT奖评委会的一员。她还经常发表关于照明的演讲,担任教育工作者,并在高等院校主持设计和照明工作坊。她还曾担任2023年Silhouette Awards的导师。
Yah Li는 Light Collab의 주요 인물이자 국제 조명 디자이너 협회 (IALD)의 전문 회원입니다.
Yah Li는 또한 세계에서 처음으로 Certified Lighting Designer (CLD) 자격증을 받은 최초의 5인 중 한 명입니다. 그녀는 2018년과 2020년 싱가포르 대통령 디자인상에서 Designer of the Year로 후보에 올랐으며, 2018년에는 심사원들로부터 칭찬을 받은 유일한 인물이었으며, 2019년 Lighting Design Awards에서 40세 미만의 최고의 조명 디자이너로 선정되기도 했습니다. 그녀는 또한 2019년 List의 Generation T Honouree로 선정되었으며, Peak 잡지가 선정한 2019년 20명의 미래를 개척하는 인물 중 한 명이기도 했으며. 그녀는 또한 IALD SEA 및 CLD 이사회의 지역 조정자로 활동하고 있습니다. 그녀는 2019년 제36회 IALD Lighting Awards의 심사위원을 맡았으며, 현재 IALD 국제 조명 디자인 어워드의 공동 의장이며, LIT 어워드의 심사위원 중 한 명입니다.
그녀는 또한 조명에 대해 강의하고 교육자로 활동하며, 고등 교육 기관에서 디자인과 조명을 위한 워크샵을 진행합니다. 또한 그녀는 2023년 Silhouette Awards의 멘토였습니다.